SINNFLUT – DIE STIMME, 88-22, Europa-Sinn, Laurent Petit

Wie bewegen wir uns Richtung Zukunft? In einer starken EU? Laurent Petit aus Brüssel, wohnhaft in Berlin, ist Gründer von Active Giving. Einer Bewegung, die sportliche Aktivitäten mit nachhaltigem Handeln verbindet. Er sagt:

"Why do we do what we do? We believe that personal health, personal well-being are key to our sustainable lifestyle. Therefore we need to live on a healthy planet. That's why we founded active giving."

"We can use all of our digital solutions that we have in our hands. This is a power to decide how we act – especially for the young generation. The EU could and should create platforms to support solutions for our sustainable and beautiful future."



SINNFLUT – DIE STIMME, Folge 89-22, Modular-Sinn, Yannik Lange


SINNFLUT – DIE STIMME, 87-22, Europa-Sinn, Catharina Enderlein